Tell A Story
Event Workshop
Youth Workshops
Lost in Translation
Tell Us Something Board Secretary Ketty Monzon and Executive Director Marc Moss staff the Will Call table.Donal Lakatua
Tell Us Something Board Secretary Ketty Monzon and Executive Director Marc Moss staff the Will Call table Donal Lakatua
Guests arrive and have their tickets scanned.Donal Lakatua
Guests arrive and have their tickets scanned.Donal Lakatua
Volunteer Ryder Sutton welcomes a guest and encourages them to share their "Lost in Translation" story anonymously as part of audience participation.Donal Lakatua
Donal Lakatua
Tell Us Something Executive Director Marc Moss welcomes the listeners as the ASL interpreter Denise May interprets.Donal Lakatua
Donal Lakatua
Marc Moss introduces Phillipa Crawford.Donal Lakatua
ASL interpreter Denise May signs for Phillipa Crawford.Philippa Crawford leaves her busy life working at an ad agency in San Francisco to move to Arlee, MT when she falls in love with the man of her dreams. Trading city lights for love and a small-town life! ❤️ What's the biggest risk you've ever taken for love?Phillipa calls her story “Love Found Home”.Donal Lakatua
Phillipa embraces her stepson, Damon, who wrote the letter. (If you were there, you know. If not, listen to the story on the podcast!)Donal Lakatua
Richard Thornton shares a story that he calls “Confusion In The Ogaden” in which he hires a kid to capture an anteater, but the kid comes back with an unknown monster! Have you ever gotten something unexpected like this?Richard calls his story “I Get a Pet”.Donal Lakatua
Nita Maddox shares her story about the time that she organized a mass naked bike ride in Missoula and received death threats because of it. It was "quite a lot," but the FBI got involved and the threats stopped. What's the wildest thing that's ever happened to you on a bike ride?Nita calls her story "Bare as you Dare!"Donal Lakatua
The audience listens attentively. Donal Lakatua
Ryder Sutton and Lauren Ciampa read the audience participation submissions while Marc Moss looks on.Donal Lakatua
Ben Catton is a tall man in Chile who tries to connect with a Deaf grandmother, culminating in the discovery of a dead pet parakeet. Oops! What's the most awkward thing you've done while trying to connect with someone from another culture?Ben calls his story “Periquitos”.Donal Lakatua
Ren Parker loves slow travel. She prefers buses and trains. Smuggler train to Cambodia? No problem! Her new English learning friend had her back. Ren calls her story “Slow Travel”.Donal Lakatua
Donal Lakatua
Abe Kurien shares his story of woe in which his Indian father mistakenly puts "Sugar Daddy" on the back of his van, thinking it means "one who gives candy to loved ones." What's the funniest thing you've ever seen written on a vehicle?Abe calls his story “Middle East Meets the Midwest.”Donal Lakatua
Linda Grinde shares her story about a time she was Lost in translation: Invited to a disco by French speakers, and ended up breaking into her own hostel to get back! Any tips for communicating with locals when you don't speak their language?Linda calls her story “Dancer in a Strange Land or Disco Damsel in Distress”.Donal Lakatua
Curtain call! (L-R) Chris Hallberg, Nita Maddox, Richard Thornton, Ben Catton, Linda Grinde, Abe Kurien, Marc Moss, Ren Parker and Philippa Crawford.Donal Lakatua
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